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We all know the joy of relishing a delightful meal or simply sinking your teeth into your favorite snack. But what if that pleasure gets interrupted by a sharp, sudden pain in one of your teeth?

According to the CDC, more than 40% of adults experience tooth pain yearly. There are several possible causes of tooth pain, including cavities, cracked teeth, and gum disease.

If your tooth hurts when chewing, it is essential to see a dentist to determine the cause of the pain and get the appropriate treatment.

Keep reading as we discuss the most common causes of tooth pain while chewing and provide tips on how to get the help you need.

Tooth Decay

Our teeth go through wear and tear as we age. External factors such as diet, oral hygiene habits, and even genetics play a role.

Tooth decay is the outcome of the gradual degradation of our teeth’s protective enamel, making way for bacteria to take up residence. When left unchecked, bacteria can weaken the tooth structure and cause cavities and pain.

Luckily, this decay is detectable.

With consistent dental check-ups, you can identify early signs of tooth decay and proactively combat it, ensuring the longevity of your natural teeth.

Plus, with modern dentistry practices like ours, equipped with 3-D printed solutions and same-day crowns, addressing decay has never been more efficient or comfortable.

Gum Sensitivity

Our gums play a vital role, holding our teeth in place and acting as a barrier against bacterial invasion. They’re akin to the foundation of a building-essential and foundational.

However, these gums can become sensitive due to various reasons, such as aggressive brushing, certain medications, or even hormonal changes. The result is a sharp sting when you indulge in your hot coffee or cold ice cream.

Simple practices like switching to a softer toothbrush, specialized toothpaste, and regular dental cleanings can help restore gum health and prevent further discomfort.

Tooth Cavities

Like how a pothole can disrupt a drive, cavities can be a nuisance, affecting your ability to enjoy your favorite foods. They result from prolonged tooth decay, where the protective enamel has been breached, leading to a hollow space.

Similar to potholes on a previously flawless road, these cavities are best addressed promptly.

Luckily, most cavities are straightforward to treat and can be addressed in a simple and easy appointment. Managing and treating cavities has become a seamless experience.

Remember, the key is prevention and early detection, ensuring that these cavities remain just a tiny bump in your oral health journey.

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding)

Life can be stressful, and sometimes, our bodies react unexpectedly. Bruxism, or teeth grinding, often happens unconsciously, particularly during sleep. Over time, the excessive pressure and friction can lead to wear and tear on the enamel, increased tooth sensitivity, jaw discomfort, or even cracks in the teeth.

Fortunately, dentistry offers solutions such as custom-fitted night guards to prevent grinding during sleep. By addressing grinding early, one can avoid further complications.

Eroded Enamel

The enamel is the hard, protective layer of our teeth. Acidic foods and drinks, aggressive brushing, or even reflux issues can lead to enamel erosion. As the enamel thins out, the underlying dentin is exposed, resulting in heightened sensitivity.

With treatments like fluoride treatments and enamel-strengthening toothpaste, reversing early enamel erosion is possible. A regular dental check-up can help assess enamel health and recommend preventive measures.

Broken Teeth

Sometimes, a hard bite on a popcorn kernel or a sudden impact can lead to minute fractures in a tooth. These are often challenging to detect and might manifest as pain or discomfort when chewing.

Regular dental X-rays and examinations can help in spotting these fractures. Once identified, various treatments, from bonding to crowns, are available to restore the tooth’s integrity.

Sinus Issues

Our upper teeth are positioned close to our sinuses. So, any sinus inflammation or infection can exert pressure on the roots of these teeth. This pressure can cause a sensation of dental pain, especially when chewing. We call this referred pain, where the cause of discomfort isn’t directly related to the teeth.

For those suspecting sinus-related dental pain, it’s essential to consult both a dentist and an ENT specialist. Addressing the underlying sinus issue can help relieve dental discomfort.

Dental Abscess

An abscess is essentially a small pocket that can form when our bodies are trying to manage an unwanted guest, like bacteria. If one forms near the base of a tooth, it might cause some discomfort, mainly when eating or putting pressure on that tooth.

Seeking dental advice soon after noticing this discomfort is always a good idea. Sometimes, simple solutions like antibiotics can help manage the situation.

In other cases, gentle procedures might be needed to ensure the tooth stays healthy and the concern doesn’t return. At our practice, we always prioritize your comfort and ensure that any solution we offer is both gentle and effective.

Wisdom Teeth

Our wisdom teeth, often referred to as third molars, usually make their appearance during our late teen years or early twenties. Sometimes, due to limited space in the mouth, these teeth might not find enough room to emerge comfortably. This can make them feel a bit snug and might cause a bit of pressure or discomfort, especially when enjoying our favorite foods.

Regular dental check-ups can monitor how these wisdom teeth are coming along. If there’s any indication that they might not have enough room, your dentist might suggest a simple procedure to ensure you’re always comfortable and pain-free.

Book an Appointment When Your Tooth Hurts When Chewing

Discomfort while chewing can stem from several reasons. While it’s easy to dismiss minor discomforts in the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s prudent to listen to our bodies. Tooth pain is the body’s way of signaling for a little extra care.

Our practice, nestled between Erie and Lafayette, focuses on ensuring your comfort while addressing all dental concerns. Whether it’s a routine check-up, a question about emerging wisdom teeth, or just a subtle twinge when enjoying your favorite meal, we’re here to help.

Leveraging state-of-the-art technology and personalized care, we’re dedicated to transforming dental concerns into a comfortable and smooth experience.

When your tooth hurts when chewing, don’t hesitate. Book an appointment with us today.